Environmental Services

With Environmental issues becoming more important and the costs of fuel rising it is becoming ever more important for those involved in the construction industry to think about how we build and power our homes. As a company we take these issues very seriously . We are always keeping up with the changing regulations with regards to insulation of  housing and  will always endeavor to go beyond these ever tightening regulations.
We also have experience in the design and installation of the following green power options:

Geo thermal heating/ ground sourced heat pumps
This is a way of heating and cooling homes very efficiently using the difference in temperate between the earth above and below the surface. There are different ways of  constructing these systems depending on the requirements of the site.  These systems can be used for one dwelling or shared by multiple dwellings on a site. We can design and install these systems for individuals, small or large developments.

Wind turbines and Solar/Photovoltaic Cells systems
We can supply and install wind generators and solar/photovoltaic cells systems. We can integrate them into utility (national grid) supplied power systems. We can  provide these systems for existing buildings or new developments. At present these can require planning permissions which we can also obtain as part of an all inclusive package.

Solar Hot Water Systems
We also supply solar hot water systems that can be easily intergrated into homes or offices. The design of our system allows for roof mounted or free standing, thus finding an area for it can be easier than you think.
This diversity allows us to install these systems on flat roof sections on office buildings and in contrast at the end of gardens. 

With all solar systems we are often asked how does solar work in england, its rarely hot? You would not believe how hot the water gets even on the coldest of days. The system uses sunlight and therefore if it is light, the tubes warm up and thus the water in the tank.

The main load needed to heat water comes in the initial warming phase, If that water is already at a warm temperature the amount of electric needed to keep it that way is minimal. This is where the solar hot water system really comes into its own. We do not believe the system alone will provide all the hot water you need for the house, but it gives a massive push. You will be shocked at how well they work and how little they cost, at under £1000 incorporating the government grant available. The cost to you is minimal. We believe every house and office should have one.

These systems not only help to make homes greener but also produce large cost savings in the medium/long term as well as increasing the value/ salability of the home due to these cost savings. Please visit our website www.ghesolar.co.uk for more information on the products we offer.

If you are interested in any of the above contact us and we will be happy to discuss your individual needs.

Solar Hot Water Systems

Solar Collector
Separated System
Pressurised System
Non-Pressurised System